Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Interesting Photos out here !!!!

Got in mood to put some of my Photo collection. I showed up more time on certain photos. Sure they made me to feel for it.

Photos 1: Wanna taste a delicious Pongal ( Sweet Rice ), I have a better one here. Pongal prepared by my Mom.

Photos 2: Guys go to US to gain more Dollars. But here is a guy ( Obviously me ) did a thing odd with these cents ( smaller version of dollar). Don't fight guys, these are one cents which normally don't carry any value over there.

Currently all these cents alone make around 10 dollars !!!!
Photos 3: What one will do with a dry leaf got during a fall ? Never do what i have done !!!

Dry leaf with four different design. I am not a artist, but I liked the design.

Here is a mixture, Dry leaf with disc coil present in a Floppy disk. They go in together.

Photos 4: Snow !!!! That is always a pleasant time to hit more of my camera button. What a scene outside the window. Sure that will make everyone to take up their camera and go out. Here is the result of it....

Neil had it on Moon, but i could better do it on the snow.

Snow Particle out there and see the beauty it is created because of the gravity. Hey, Newton thank u.
Here rain make the place more beautiful and if Sepia mode of photography is used, it makes more..... don't have a word.
Photos 5: Nature - It always make a mark in photography. Obviously in mine too. Check out these !!!!

Pune and its winter time waterfalls make the place very very special.

My native place have some beautiful site in its account. Yes this is a place near Thuraiyur.

Obviously I took there in my native Thuraiyur.

This is dry Pune. Even this is good rite !!!!

Photos 6: How can a photo collection end without a the shining prince, The Sun. Here is one which make Goa beautiful.

Photos 7: Finally one to dedicate to my Girl. This one might look odd, but this photo is mixture of lot work after the photo. The Photo was hand of girl with Mehandi. This photo came out really very sharp, after some Oil paint modification and sketch up, it came out with some splendid.

So here are some of my collection. I hope they inspired you and do help me out to get more of it kind, through your comments. Thank u


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Decision making on Stock Investments

Stock Investments:

Investments and Saving – during a period of time, meant only as buying gold, getting assets like agricultural land and rental buildings. These were basically called as the investments. As like technology growth in the last 50 years, financial investment and savings have grown with different perspective. In current market, Investment have taken different forms like Mutual funds, Index funds, Systematic investment plan, Stocks and shares, Fixed deposit, Insurance investment, Pension policy, Bonds, Health and Life insurance (though it is insurance, it is kind of investment for life)

Though there are varies investment methods, each have it owns even and odds. Hence it is always very important to learn the methods to get into each of the investment. Let’s take one of the complicated and also risky investments - Stock investment.

Now here are the three steps to decide the stock investment method:

Step 1: Determine the Risk:
Investors are the one who is going to invest in the Stocks. First the investor must determine the risk he/she going to take in the market. There are three types of investors.

a. Low risk investors: They are conservative investors, those who are unwilling to take any risk with the money they invest. These investors are cautious and long term investors.
Investments are made in long term (3 – 5 years) in Blue Chips stocks. While there is a reasonable return, the shares are sold. This is called buy and hold strategy.

b. Medium risk investors: They are aggressive investors, those who willing to take calculated risks. These investors are aggressive investors.
Investments are made in medium term (1- 3 years) in growth stocks. While there is a high return, the shares are sold. This is called reasonably aggressive strategy.

c. High risk investors: They are speculative investors, those who willing to take any risk. These investors are speculator in search of quick money.
Investments are made in short term (1 – 6 months) in turnaround stocks. The shares are sold in quickly in search of quick money. This is called bold investment strategy.

Step 2: Determine the Time:
Analyze the time to do the investment in the stock market. There are always high and lows in the market. The high market is called as Boom and low market called as Slump. Ideally one should investment when the market is in Slump and sell when it is in Boom.

Boom market: During a boom phase, investors succumb to greed. Since the market is high, investors tend to make more profit and hence there is more buying.

As a good investor, since the prices are high in market, one should less at this time to gain more profit.

Slump market: During a slump phase, investors paralyzed to fear. Since the market is low, investors fearing to loss will start selling more.

Similar to Boom, during slump time the share prices are low. Hence one should buy shares at this time to gain big profit in the later stage.

The boom and slump in a market are not a fixed day, it is quite period of time. Also there is transition market stage from slump to boom and boom to slump. Investors should invest at the right time to make big profit.

Step 3: Select the company:
Selecting which company stocks to buy will play a very critical role in stock investment. Investors have to follow the company policy, quarter profit, determine profit, bonus offer, dividend offer, management reputation, government policy etc. These are some of the prime factors which influence the movement of the stock price of the company.

Obviously the share prices are driven by market investors. But the above factors are the one which drive these investors. Government policy play a major role, hence investor should have a good insight of company category.

So here are the three steps to decide which stock to buy, at what time to buy and when to sell.

Obviously the above three step will help us to invest in the stock market. But we should also have couple more things to remember to make sure we are successful in the stock investments.

Points to remember:
a. Disinvestment decision should be taken at the right time. If we have invested in a particular company stock, it doesn’t mean we are bonded to the company. The shares should be sold to profit. Investor should disinvest periodically.

b. Investor should never put all their money in one or two shares alone. This could cause more risk. Also if it is more diversified, following the each company shares will be difficult. Hence one should periodically shuffle the portfolio of shares periodically and also should have a manageable number of stocks.

c. Do not yield to the temptation of mindless speculation based on rumors, tips and hearsay. These could yield to a financial disaster.

Above steps and points will give a more insight on how to invest in the Stock market. The Stock market is dynamic, volatile and unpredictable. As an investor if you need to be successful, you need to devote sufficient time and follow the rule of the game.

As quoted by a famous Economist, “Owning shares is like being in business with a demented partner”. Every day, this partner offers you a price at which you can either sell your share of the firm, buy the partner out or do nothing. Most of the time, it make sense to ignore the partner. Every now and then, however, he offers a price so cheap that the firm is an irresistible buy, or so high that you should be happy to sell out. Hence remember the rule of card game: “ True luck consists not in holding the best cards at the table, luckiest is he who know when to rise and go home”

Monday, May 5, 2008

Food crisis - What is the Reason !!!!!

''There are 350 million people in India who are classified as middle class. Their middle class is larger than our entire population. And when you start getting wealth, you start demanding better nutrition and better food. And so demand is high, and that causes the price to go up."

This isn't an analysis report about the global food crisis by the expert global economicist nor a report from the a world organisation about the global food crisis. This is a comment from the President of United states of America, George W Bush. Adding more to the comments, "The increase in the demand of food is due to the prosperity of the developing countries." Thus according to the comments of George W Bush, the properity of India and china are increasing which have created an increase in the food consumption in these country which lead to the global food crisis.

This total irrevalent comment without any figures from The President have drawn lot of criticism from India. Indian political leaders were fuming at The President for his state on the prosperity of the country. It isn't alone Bush, it was also from Condoleezza Rice, the Secretary of state said that the development in the countries like India and china have lead to the global food crisis.

This 'might' hit to be true by looking at the population these two countries and the economic growth these countries are undergoing. But that isn't the case. Though population of India and China together conduct one third of the global population, the consumption of cereals ( Wheat, Rice, Corn) have grown at considerable rate compared to that of one country. Here are the reports from FAO - Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nation.

According to the global market report of FAO, the Consumption of Cereals by India have grown by 2.17% from 2006-07 to 2007-08. Chile consumption have grown by 1.8% for the same period. One country where the consumption of cereals have grown high is none other than United States. For the same period, the consumption have grown by 11.81%. This is primarily due to the new method in which US is producing their Fuel.

Currently with the growing prices of Oil barrel ( $ 112 per barrel), US are currently producing Bio fuel using Corn. Though there is increase in demand from the India and China on the food and cereals, the actual inflation have been caused due to several constraits which the developed countried are undertaking. One such is corn used to produce Bio fuel in US, increase in the crude oil prices, increase in the use of Crude oil derived products for agriculture, increase in the investment on the future market leading to lowering interest in agriculture in developed country.

So India and china are the not one to be pointed at. Developed countries have to check in them and should help the world to come out of the Global Food crisis. Lets hope the President who know the figures from FAO would work out on it, rather just try to and attract everyone with his speech as " America is by far the most generous nation when it comes to helping the hungry."

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Inflation - What the hell is this ?

What is Inflation ?
Inflation say that general level of prices are going up. For eg: A Kg of rice which was brought at Rs.10 some 4 months back is brought at Rs. 20 now. There is an increase in the cost of the commodities. So inflation means that more money need to be paid for the same goods and services. Inflation are measured regularly and this give the economic status of the country. If Inflation is increasing, then there is problem. The common men is buying a product at a higher cost.

Even the counter of inflation is dangerous, The Deflation. Yes, think a common man is paying very less for buying a products. Let say he pay currently Rs 5 per Kg of rice. The producer of the product is not profited. Government will get less money on tax and the money circulation is reduced.

So generally it is good be in a stable prices for a stable economy. Lets get to the actual part. Currently India is under a inflation at 7.33%. So Indian economy, that is we are in problem.

How inflation is caused ?
The reason behind this is because of lot of money in the market. Since the common man is having lot of money there is will to buy goods. Too much money chasing too less goods. So the goods are increasing. ( Yes obviously the producers of the products will check for right time to get profit). So if the will of buying goods is growing faster than amount of goods that have been made, then prices will go up. This most likely happens in economies that are growing fast. Currently we are in growing economy.

Also the higher prices would be due to increase in the crude oil prices which are determined in the West.

What Inflation will cause ?
Inflation have different causes on different set of people in the economy. Obviously the cost of the commodities will increase. So the common men are affected. But think this way, money flow have increased because individual salary have increased. Even if the commodity price have increased, the individual is able to afford it because his salary is increased. But What about the people who live on daily wages. This section are obviously going to get affected. Also People living off a fixed-income, such as retirees, see a decline in their purchasing power and, consequently, their standard of living.

The Producers are gaining currently at increasing inflation but at future they will suffer a bigger loss than the current gain. Goods will be produced at the same rate, while the consumer ( the common men) will reduce to spent due to high rate and he will wait to get the price to lower. So there will instability in the economy on Demand Supply cycle.

If the inflation rate is greater than that of other countries, domestic products become less competitive. Hence the domestic products at the future will start losing to the foreign goods. This will hammer the domestic and small industries in India against the branded foreign goods on prices.

What is happening to stabilize it ?
To add here, one reason which we can say the reason for the inflation is the Union Budget. It had lot of proposal like Farmer loan waiver, Tax exemption which make a lot of money inflow to the consumers. Eventually the consumers are driven to buying the goods at a rather unexpected quick phase. Hence there was a sudden higher inflation.

Both the FM P.Chidambaran and RBI governor Dr. Y.V. Reddy are working on to tighten the money in flow in the Indian economy. The major one of it was RBI have ordered all the banks in India to increase the reserves in each bank. The cash reserve ratio (CRR) which was at 7.5 % have been increased to 8.25%. This change will make sure around Rs. 18,000 crores (not sure of the figure) will be stored as reserves in the bank and the money circulation will decrease. This means the lending for the banks will decrease in this time.

Also Interest rates were reduced. Higher export tax are imposed on basmati rice and steel products and certain import tax are scrapped to safeguard domestic products. Some more policy from RBI would help in getting inflation in a right path.

What is the future ?
What is there in it. The inflation will take some time to settle down. Buying will reduce but not completely. Money flow will get stable, prices will get stabled. Obviously stock market will get back to growth. Once these happen, buying of stocks will happen. So after inflation get settled, then Indian market and economy will be right place for trading.

Every fast growing economy will face a inflation due to sudden money flow. It is how the government tackle it. If tackled without disturbing consumers tendency to buy, then it is going to positive. Wait for the last quarter of year end.

To conclude "Indian Economy is heading in the right path."

Monday, April 28, 2008

Village Voice - New place for BPO !!!!

So here is the time for village too. Is the BPO only for cities?
No more it is. Village have it voice too. Twenty two year old graduate from a small village in Tamil nadu with all dreams flew to Chennai for his future. The future he and his family were aspiring for. Software profession, a bulk pay package, happy living, good ambiance.....etc. The dreams never stopped. But Chennai as many know, welcomed him with less pride. He who thought for a right future was muggled up with the unemployment. His future is and was lost.

This isn't the case anymore. One who said " I went to chennai with ambition of job in Infosys or Wipro, but did some odd jobs for a just a living in chennai " is now saying " I am employed, support my family, still i am with my family not in chennai. But i still do the same ambitious work which i was a dreaming.". This is not some disgruntled employee moaning about his Career graph. But this is the words of an employee who is working in Rural BPO. A Team lead for a team of 10 members.

Rural BPO is growing as a definite potential to change the face of rural India. Though currently viewed as social work for rural people; it is a sure shot to grow to a real business which bulk profit similar to what the big firms are making. For the rural India, these kind of BPO are there addressing the unemployment of rural area and also countering the migration of people to urban areas. These BPO do give a social status to all who work.

Jayaram K Manivannan The man in charge of Hyderabad based Byrraju Foundation's rural BPO initiative, GRAM IT, believed by many as the pioneer of this concept say that 25% of 500 employee in his BPO are the one who have returned to their village from various cities and towns. Sai Seva (Serve and Inspire Simple Employment for Village Advancement) BPO was started by the management students of Sri Sathya Sai University in May 2006. “Our idea is to help educated rural youth upgrade the quality of their lives without destructing the cultural fabric. We aim to hold back the youth from migrating to cities by providing employment here in villages,” said Mr Prashanth R., director of Sai Seva.

Sai Seva recently got a major boost when HDFC Bank decided to outsource part of its work on data capture and profiling of new account details. This means that if you happen to open a new account with HDFC Bank, chances are that your profile and personal details will be indexed at Sai Seva BPO in Puttaparthi. HDFC Bank’s head of operations, Mr A. Rajan said his bank would initially outsource about 30,000 applications to Sai Seva and might later scale up to 3 lakh. Currently, the bank’s data capturing and indexing of customer details is done in-house by some 1,000 employees spread across Mumbai and Chennai.

So, What is the cost advantage that a rural BPO enjoy over its urban counterpart ? Manivannan explains: One obvious differential is Salary. An employee in rural BPO earns a gross salary of around 4,500 - 5,000 which is less than half of what his urban peers take home each month. The other is rental and infrastructure. On a average, Rural BPO offers its client a cost advantage of around 40-60 per cent as compared to larger cities. Also these BPO don't have a night shift and have not faced any attrition so far.

Though these Rural BPO are profittable business, most of these BPO are pioneered by social organisation. "Our Rural BPO ideas was born out of need to create an economic surplus for our initiatives like healthcare services, rural education, rural sanitation. GramIT is a social initiative" says Manivannan. Sai Seva business solution was a mix of business and social factors. Any way at the end of the day, business has to make sense. If so the social side will automatically get fulfilled.

Rural BPO though slow will gain and evolve to a business model and the Indian villagers could see this a new opportunity for employment.